Saturday, 24 February 2007


Having gone on a course to London about how to improve the quality of assessment in Leisure and Tourism I was left with the startling realisation.
Teachers spend a lot of time making their lessons as interesting as possible to ensure that information is passed on to the student. Why can't the course providers do the same. At the end of the day the information was very useful but dull does not describe the quality of presentation we endured for 5 hours. Oh and if Edexcel read this they should know that OCR do far better lunches.

Sunday, 18 February 2007

Half Term

As a teacher half terms are vital to try and get all the little jobs that build up but you can't get done. For instance British Gas can only come to fix the boiler between 12 and 6, great I can get home by 4 and no I will not be able to take a day off so it has had to wait. The government are trying to introduce the option of flexible working for every worker but somehow I don't see that working in teaching. Sure I will have the boiler fixed on Thursday and teach all my lessons on Friday instead!!

Apart from the boiler this half term has allowed me to spent time with the girlfriend who had returned to the US for 10 days for a close family funeral, finally ensuring that all the tracks on Itunes have been listened to at least once, mark ICT coursework and write Yr7 reports. A correspondent to Ceefax wrote saying that it was only 6 weeks since half term and why did teachers need a holiday already to which I responded if it so easy and well paid then come and join us. There is a shortage in maths, science and London for teachers. It wasn't published. My pithy and witty repartee never makes it to the Letters page. I think it might be a conspiracy.