1. The BBC website weather is rubbish. Heavy snow my foot
2. England are not as bad at rugby as was reported last week
3. Wales are not as good as reported
4. When England play kicking rugby they are 1 dimensional and boring when Wales play kicking rugby it is a tactical master stroke.
5. England need to start wearing brown shirts as they stand out too much in the white ones.
6. Jonathan Kaplin is welcome to come over and I will advise him on some of the laws. I would also like to see the eyes in the back of his head having given a dodgy decision whilst facing the opposite way.
7. England are not that bad at cricket
8. 1 in a 100 people who give blood feint as I witnessed one the other day
9. Shakespeare is better watched than read. Sure you can analyse the text to your heart's content but the interplay of the characters is brought alive on the stage. Saw Midsummer Night's Dream on Friday
10. Improvisation in the middle of Shakespeare is hilarious.
11. A comedian who makes himself laugh is a funny thing to see. Saw Andy Parsons last weekend and he cracked himself up.
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Norwich City 3 beat Norwich Dragons 2 by one goal (7:6 or 8:7)
Played rubbish. Missed a penalty although it was close and hung on the ridge for ages. Had a few chances but was out of rhythm. There has not been training for a couple of weeks and there was a bit of rust in my shooting action. The player marking me was at one time county captain and I was pleased to get passed him a few times but he changed the way he was defending and the team did not benefit. Were fortunate to win as they had an injured player and we were playing against 7 players for a quarter of the match.
Monday, 9 February 2009
England has the snowiest days in the last 18 years and Noroflk has 1 snowy day with almost no snow. It's not fair. I might have to move to live at the top of a mountain. On a more serious note we arranged a trip and on the basis of the weather had to arrange contigency plans for the heavy snow forecast. We got 1 5 minute snow shower. Thanks for the forecast.
Monday, 2 February 2009
1hour off work
Snow caused the school to close at 2.20 so that the buses could get back safely but as the pictures show it was not exactly deep.
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Leap of Faith
The Kingswood trip went well but they had a new activity fro the kids. They had to climb a telegraph pole, stand on the small platform at the top as it was woblling and shaking before jumping into space and catching the trapeze swing. Of course as soon as all the kids had done it they all looked at me and you can't say no. The pressure to succeed was huge. The middle picture has my eyes shut as if you stayed still the shaking was reduced and it was easier to get to your feet.

Heavy snow but the roads are clear so it looks like it will be all on whether the school boiler holds out. The police did say not to take any unnecessary journeys though......
Norwich City 3 beat Norwich Dragons 2 4:3
A really satisfying win. There is a 15 year old kid that has been kicked out of two clubs for being an arse, rude, obnoxious and in the past he was rude to a friend of mine. He is pretty tall for his age and has always been dominant on the court but today I marked him out of the game and wound him up mentally so he was rushing around without clear thinking and was getting more and more overwrought. In the end he conceded three penalties against me and I scored two of the four goals we got. After the second penalty he even had the audacity to claim that I ran into him so I gave him a quick burst of withering sarcasm which kept him het up for another 5 minutes.
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