Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy

Well the setting and colour palette of grey and brown was very 70’s. The preponderance of smokers and the hazy of blue in each room looked authentic. The cragginess of the actors and the world weariness of the characters they played seemed to be genuine. The fact that the script was non-linear and was set in a variety of cities with a range of city vistas pulled from the Seventies, the quality of the actors on show and the topic of spying and “moles” should have been right up my alley. The fact I was noticing these things means I was not swept away by the storyline and not gripped. I should have been but I wasn’t and the reasons for that I can’t fathom or comprehend. Maybe it was that there was George Smiley and in a James Bond way you know it can’t be him, can’t die, will find out which makes the plot a little predictable or maybe casting the most famous actor as the baddie which otherwise was a fairly minor part put a massive arrow over his head, I mean it’s Colin Firth playing 6th lead after winning an Oscar or maybe I just didn’t care about the characters of their fate.

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