Los Angeles is a beautiful area. The Santa Monica Mountains are gorgeous and provide spectacular views across both the San Fernando Valley and you should be able to see the ocean but for the smog which overlays the area providing a haze that obscures things in the middle distance. I had the opportunity to go to Dodger Stadium and watch a game and I was looking out and admiring the view of the mountains I could see when the smog lifted and there where more mountains behind them and a smudge which might have been more more clouds or mountains but it was tough to tell. The smog is a function of a large amount of exhausts, onshore winds trapping the air against the mountains and warm, stable air.
The morning tour in a number of famous sites. Starting downtown and taking in some building such as Walt Disney Concert Hall and the original area around which Los Angeles started. We then went to Hollywood Bld with the stars in the pavement, some hand and footprints and the Kodak Theatre where the Oscars and held. It had the kind of tacky feel that I associate with Leicester and Times square. This was in contrast with Mulholland Drive with spectacular views of the Hollywood sign and the whole city. From there we went to Rodeo Drive and Beverly Hills. There were some stylish buildings but when it comes to cars there were some that were gaudy (red and yellow panelled Rolls Royce anyone). We then finished at the Farmer's Market for lunch.
In the afternoon it was Universal Studios which has an excellent tour, although sit on the left if you can. They show off a bit like experiencing an earthquake of an intensity of 8 and some of the sets from famous films such as Jaws. There also some 3D rides and shows which are good any through a fast pace, good planning and a ruthless attitude to others children managed to see most of the things I wanted to.
Le Brea tar pits to start with tomorrow.
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