Thursday 18 February 2010


One of the great advances of the digital age is the ability to consume the broadcast at any time. Whilst I have yet to upgrade to the Sky+ system Iplayer is great and podcasting through ITunes means that you can listen to most radio programs at any time and with my Ipod it is also portable. I listen to 9 different podcasts so sometimes fitting them all in is tricky.
I listen to

Americana - a politics based BBC show covering everything from the Civil Rights Movement to the life of a minor league baseball player touring the Mid-West. It also takes a wry British look at the USA

History - a BBC show looking at different topics from the magazine of the same name. Was Richard III too highly regarded as a battle commander?

Fighting Talk - 4 panelists argue and joke over the sporting issues of the day

From Our Own Correspondent - BBC reporters tell unusual tales from their corner of the globe that the are in from pirates in Somalia to drug running in Mexico

Great Lives - a famous alive person tells the tale of a famous dead person and argues with the presenter about any controversy.

Mark Kermode's film review - just the best reviewer of films available. For instance he says things like a film was "a gross infantalisation of the dark hearted 'serious' sci-fi" and does rubbish impressions.

Ask Elvis - Mitch Benn answers questions sent it by the questions as an Elvis impersonator. Currently in limbo

Thought for the Day -a three minute thought about the world from a religious leader posing questions about the morality of events

Friday Night Comedy -one of two satirical comedies the New Quiz or the Now Show.

All these are from the BBC and the point is that there is probably something for you there.

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